Group of business professionals gathered at a past GGB Awards event holding showcasing their win.

Why Sponsor

Sponsorship of the Global Generics & Biosimilars Awards provides exclusive opportunities, targeted branding, thought leadership and lead generation. Benefit from months of multi channel exposure to the industry, through an extensive marketing campaign, pre, during and post Awards. Boost your reputation and be recognised as a forward-thinking organisation, by sponsoring these well-established and highly esteemed industry Awards.

You will benefit from premium networking opportunities, build contacts with key business targets and maximise your ROI.


Experience unparalleled brand exposure

Gain a competitive advantage

Demonstrate your support of the industry

Become a leader in your field of expertise


There are numerous sponsorship opportunities at the Global Generics & Biosimilars Awards including:

  • Headline Sponsorship
  • Category Sponsorship*
  • Drinks reception Sponsorship
  • Social media Sponsorship
  • Roundtable sponsorship (exclusive and non-exclusive)

*Category Sponsorship will be on a first-come, first-served basis.

The Global Generics & Biosimilars Awards bring together over 250 executives and senior decision makers to celebrate excellence in off-patent pharmaceuticals.

Types of companies and job roles of previous attendees include:
  • Manufacturers
  • API Suppliers
  • CROs
  • Distributors
  • Serialisation Firms
  • Law Firms
  • Market Researchers
  • PR Agencies
  • Industry Associations
  • CEO
  • CSR Specialists
  • Director
  • Vice President
  • Head of Business Development

As a sponsor, benefit from these promotions and more, ensuring your company receives maximum exposure to the industry:

  • Company profile and logo on the awards website
  • Company logo included on marketing collateral
  • Social media announcements of your involvement
  • Exclusive branded signage at the Awards ceremony
  • Adverts in the digital Awards Programme
  • Your company mentioned in Global Generics & Biosimilars Awards email campaigns

We’ll work to find the most suitable sponsorship package for you. If you have a query regarding sponsorship, please contact Casey Burwell Email: for information.

  • Date: Wednesday, October 9, 2024
  • Location: Hotel NH Milano Fiera
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Enquire about sponsoring