Many regulatory bodies mandate sharing trial results with participants. Clear and accessible clinical trial summaries help patients understand complex scientific data, build trust between sponsors and participants, and ensure sponsors meet legal and ethical obligations. These summaries also educate participants about trial outcomes, fostering engagement and future involvement. offers a dedicated platform to streamline the distribution process, ensuring your well-crafted summaries reach the participants who made your research possible.

Trial Summaries by the numbers

Visitors from




visitors annually




with summaries
'' is the leading platform for sharing clinical trial summaries globally. Our sponsor-neutral platform hosts over 2,700 studies with 1,600 plain language summaries (PLS) in an average of 4 languages for access to over 6,500 PLS. We reach visitors from over 85 countries and facilitate over 14,000 downloads each year, bringing trial results to a vast and global audience.


How it helps simplifies the distribution of plain language summaries through a centralized, accessible platform. Participants can subscribe to receive notifications for new summaries, while sponsors retain full control over content and publication timing. This digital approach reduces traditional printing and shipping constraints, ensuring consistent availability of study information to participants, and promotes transparency and trust with trial participants, the public, and regulatory authorities.

Learn how we can support your trial summary needs.

How it works


  • Upload studies via manual entry, import, or automatic feed from TrialScope Disclose
  • Maintain control through our secure administrative portal


  • Upload studies via manual entry, import, or automatic feed from TrialScope Disclose
  • Maintain control through our secure administrative portal
What’s included
Global Access Platform
  • Mobile-responsive interface
  • Multi-language support in over 45 languages
  • Ability to post summaries in over 250 languages

Participant Engagement
  • Guided search to help find trials easily
  • Automated notifications for subscribed users when trial summaries are available

Sponsor Control Center
  • Full control over study content
  • Secure administrative portal
  • Analytics and engagement tracking
Our experts
When it comes to the drug development process, regulatory is one area that simply cannot be overlooked; too much is at stake. Citeline’s regulatory intelligence, solutions and services help ensure that your organization maintains compliance.

The industry’s leading experts on clinical trial disclosure inform our TrialScope Solutions, Trial Summaries and Disclosure Services.
Citeline regulatory and compliance expert.
Citeline regulatory and compliance expert reviewing documents. ''
Speak to a Specialist

Contact us today to learn how we can support your trial summary needs.

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